Motor Vehicle Damage Appraisers

230-RICR-20-50-3 ACTIVE RULE

My Page Title


3.2Purpose and Applicability


3.4License Required


3.6Reinstatement of License


3.8Submissions Regarding Statutory/Regulatory Violations

3.9License Denial, Non-Renewal or Revocation

3.10Reporting of Actions


Title 230 Department of Business Regulation (includes the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner)
Chapter 20 Insurance
Subchapter 50 Insurance producers and other non-insurer licensees
Part 3 Motor Vehicle Damage Appraisers
Type of Filing Direct Final Amendment
Regulation Status Active
Effective 05/20/2024

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws § Chapter 27-10.1

Purpose and Reason:

This amendment is proposed to implement regulatory changes related to a 2023 legislative change from 2023 Public Laws Chapters 342 & 343.  


3.7(F)& (F)(1):          provision added pursuant to statutory enactment

3.7(I)& (I)(1):             provision added pursuant to statutory enactment

3.7(X)(1):                   typographical error

3.7(X)(2) & (X)(4):    provision added pursuant to statutory enactment

3.7(X)(4) & (X)(5):    renumbered to 3.7(X)(5) & (X)(6)

3.7(AA):                     provision added pursuant to statutory enactment